山河往事 | 汪华与徽州古城
原创 安画 安徽画报 今天
徽州是山水氤氲的人间仙境,也有千年古建群雕刻出的小镇岁月。 徽州古城景区,是古徽州府治所在地。这里五峰拱秀,六水回澜, 山光水色,楚楚动人。景区内古民居群布局典雅,古桥、古塔、古街、 古巷、古坝、古牌坊交织着古朴的风采,犹如一座气势恢宏的历史博物馆。 有古建专家评价说“徽州府衙是缩小的故宫,故宫是放大的府衙”。说起徽州古城,不得不提一位人物——汪华。汪华是歙州登源里 ( 今属绩溪 ) 人,少时家境贫寒,拜南山和尚罗玄为师,一番苦练 后武艺超群。由于他智勇双全,成为唐朝大臣。地方势力割据, 为保境安民,汪华起兵统领了歙州、宣州、杭州、饶州、睦洲、 婺州等六州,建立吴国,称为吴王。
古城盛装迎佳节 The ancient city is well decorated for the Spring Festival Huizhou is well-known for the fairyland-like scenery and the ancient buildings of thousands of years. These ancient buildings are particularly notable in the Ancient City of Huizhou (located in today’s Shexian county), which was the seat of Huizhou in history. There are ancient bridges, pagodas, streets, lanes, dams, and paifang archways, all making it like a history museum. In Zhonghe Street of the Ancient City of Huizhou sits the renovated Ancient Huizhou Government Office, which includes the Nanqiao Gateway, the Secondary Gate, and the law court, showing the quintessence of Hui-style architecture. Some experts even commented that “the Ancient Huizhou Government Office is the epitome of the Imperial Palace”.
练江暮色 The twilight of the Lianjiang River
汪华是徽州古城的创建者,所建的城当时为新安郡城。《歙县志》记载:“隋义宁 (617 年 ~618 年 ) 中, 汪华迁新安郡治于本县乌聊山,始筑郡城。” 乌聊山位于歙县老城区的中心,是全城的制高点,扼徽杭古道之要冲。站在乌聊山上,俯瞰四面来水, 六方通衢,千家万户,尽收眼底。
徽州古衙 Ancient Huizhou Government Office
Wang Hua, the founder of the Ancient City of Huizhou. Born in a poor family of Dengyuanli, Shezhou (today’s Jixi county), Wang Hua learned martial arts from Luo Xuan, a monk in Nanshan Mountain, and finally his martial arts skills excelled all. To protect the people from local separatist forces in the late Sui dynasty, Wang Hua rose in arms to govern six prefectures, namely Shezhou, Xuanzhou, Hangzhou, Raozhou, Muzhou, and Wuzhou, and finally established the Wu State, claiming to be the King of Wu. Then, after the Tang dynasty was founded, he paid allegiance to the new dynasty and thus became a senior official. During his ruling period of the area, Wang Hua established the Ancient City of Huizhou, at that time called Xin’anjun City. According to the Annals of Shexian County, “Wang Hua moved Xin’anjun seat to Wuliao Mountain of the county between 617 and 618.”
徽州民俗:向汪华敬献五谷 Offering up cereals to Wang Hua—a folk custom in Huizhou
抬汪公民俗展演 Carrying the Statue of Lord Wang—a folk performance 今天的徽州古城中和街,可以看到修复后的徽州府衙。主要建筑包括南谯楼、仪门、公堂等,气势雄伟,规模庞大,体现了徽派建筑的精髓。 汪华爱护百姓,得到一方百姓的爱戴。他去世后,皖、浙、 赣三省交界的六州百姓深切感怀,称他为“汪公”,形成丰富多彩的祭祀文化和庙会文化。今天皖南地区的花朝庙会, 安苗节等活动中,都有祭祀他的内容。
在徽州古城品尝美食 Taste delicious food in the ancient city of Huizhou Wuliao Mountain is situated in the center of Shexian county seat, a key location of the Huihang Ancient Road. Standing on the mountain, you will surely have a panoramic view over all waters, roads, and households. No wonder Wang Hua established the seat here. Wang Hua did good for the people, so the people respected and supported him. After his death, the people of the six prefectures (now at the junction of Anhui, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi) respectfully called him Lord Wang and had various sacrificial activities and temple fairs in memory of him, such as today’s Huazhao Temple Fair and Anmiao Festival in southern Anhui.