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Biography: Dr. Robert H. Wang (汪雄夫 博士)









宏扬汪华文化 共建和谐家园

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发表于 2009-3-8 09:41:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Biography: Dr. Robert H. Wang (汪雄夫 博士) (2009-03-07 22:45:19)


Dr. Robert H. Wang is COO and General Manager of BroadVision OnDemand Co., Ltd. (BVOD).  BVOD is the world’s first global provider of on-demand e-business solutions that is headquartered in Beijing, China.  BVOD’s flagship product, CHRM (pronounced “charm”), is a collaborative human resource management system delivered on-demand by the company, and is the world’s first Workforce Relationship Management (WRM) platform.  CHRM provides unparalleled visibility and agility for all members of an organization to collaborate more productively, mitigates risks in each phase of the HR management lifecycle, and elevates human assets into a strategic competitive advantage for our customers.


汪雄夫博士是华美宏大(BroadVision OnDemand Co., Ltd.,简称BVOD) 的首席运营官兼总经理。华美宏大是世界第一家总部设在中国北京的应需式电子商业 (on-demand e-business) 解决方案全球供应商。华美宏大的旗舰产品,CHRM (读 “charm) ,是华美宏大以应需模式所推出的协同式人力资源管理系统 (collaborative human resource management system),也是世界第一套企业员工关系管理平台(workforce relationship management platform) CHRM的主要特质是为企业提供前所未有的能见度与灵敏度,以便全公司上下同仁无论散布在全球各地,均可充分协同合作;并依此工具,在HR管理流程的每一步骤中降低企业风险,进而将人力资产提升为企业战略竞争之利器。


Dr. Wang is an expert in the management and R&D of enterprise applications.  Over 12 years, Dr. Wang has successfully shipped 8 releases, spanning 4 major enterprise application domains, includingenterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), business process management (BPM), and workforce relationship management (WRM).  Prior to starting BVOD as an “intrapreneur,” Dr. Wang was the CIO and Vice President of HR at BroadVision, Inc., the parent company of BVOD, and was responsible for the company’s IT and HR initiatives.  Prior to working at BroadVision, Dr. Wang held senior management positions at Siebel Systems (acquired by Oracle), RightWorks (acquired by i2), and IBM Research.


博士是一位卓越的企业IT管理与应用系统研发专家。在12年的职业生涯中,汪博士成功发布了8套企业应用系统,横跨4大业务领域:ERP (enterprise resource planning), CRM (customer relationship management), BPM (business process management), WRM (workforce relationship management)。在成为启动华美宏大的“内创”企业家之前,汪博士曾是美国宏道公司 (BroadVision) 的首席信息官兼人力资源副总裁,负责美国集团公司的信息技术及人力资源部门的战略举措。在任职美国宏道公司之前,汪博士曾在Siebel Systems (被甲骨文收购), RightWorks (i2收购)IBM研究中心担任高层管理职位。


Academically, Dr. Wang is a pioneer of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web-based computational services, and Software as a Service (SaaS) and on-demand business models.  Since 1993, Dr. Wang has successfully extended and applied these software engineering techniques in building solutions for microelectronics engineering and e-business.  Dr. Wang earned his BS with High Honors, MS, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989, 1991 and 1995, respectively.  Dr. Wang’s Ph.D. thesis explored the application of computational geometry and computer graphics as a Web-based architectural framework and computational services for 3D semiconductor integrated circuits (IC) topographysimulation.  In 2003, Dr. Wang earned his MBA with Honors and Certificate in Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship from San Jose State University.  Dr. Wang’s areas of specialization were corporate strategy, HR and IT management.  Dr. Wang’s MBA thesis was a business plan for a new SaaS product, Interactive Selling Suite (ISS) On-Demand.  The business plan outlined a China-based low-risk and high-return global e-business strategy that begins with off-shore R&D and IT operations centers, and gradually expands into a global sales and marketing organization based on a mix of off-shore call centers and Web 2.0 communities.  Since 2004, this business plan has served as BVOD’s corporate development roadmap.


在学术方面,汪博士是服务架构体系(SOA)、网际网络计算服务(Web-based computational services)、在线服务(SaaS)和应需(on-demand)商业模式的先行者。自1993年起,汪博士就成功的延伸并应用这些软件工程技术来打造微电子工程和电子商业解决方案。汪博士毕业于美国加州大学柏克莱分校 (University of California at Berkeley) 的电机工程与计算机科学 (EECS) 专业,并在198919911995年分别获得他的本科 (BS),硕士(MS) 及博士 (Ph.D.) 学位。汪博士的博士论文探讨如何应用几何计算方法 (computational geometry) 与计算机绘画技术 (computer graphics),构建基于网际网络(WWW)的架构体系机制(architectural framework)与计算服务(computational services),并用此架构体系与计算服务模拟半导体集体电路(IC)的立体(3D)结构。就业后,汪博士在美国加州州立大学(California State University)的圣荷西分校 (San Jose State University) 进修,并在2003年获得商业管理硕士(MBA)学位及硅谷创业经理人证书(Certificate in Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship)。汪博士的主修方向包括企业战略规划 (corporate strategy)、人力资源 (HR) 管理 与信息技术 (IT) 管理。汪博士的MBA论文是一套新产品ISS 应需服务 (Interactive Selling Suite On-Demand) 的商业计划书。这份计划书勾勒了一个立足中国、放眼世界的低风险、高回报电子商业战略。此战略起始于建立一个离岸(off-shore)的研发和IT运营中心,进而逐步渐进的扩展成一个基于离岸的呼叫中心和Web 2.0社区的全球营销组织。自2004年起,这份商业计划书一直是华美宏大的企业发展路线图。


Dr. Wang’s journey into Chinese entrepreneurship fully reflects his love and respect for Chinese culture and history.  Dr. Wang views his academic and professional career development in three stages:  Taiwan (1967 to 1979), the U.S. (1979 to 2006), and China (2006 to present).  Born in 1967, Dr. Wang grew up in Taipei and received his elementary education under the traditional Chinese education system.  As a hobby, Dr. Wang read a wide variety of Chinese literature, ranging from Chinese classics to kung-fu novels.  In 1979, Dr. Wang immigrated with his parents to the U.S., and began his 27-year adventure as a young overseas scholar.  Throughout his secondary education, Dr. Wang grewhis understanding and passion for Chinese culture and history entirely through self-study.  In 1985, Dr. Wang entered University of California at Berkeley to study Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).  Dr. Wang chose to attend Berkeley because the school not only has a world-class engineering college, but also has a top-tier Chinese study program.  Building on his self-study foundation, Dr. Wang took many electives in Chinese literature and history, and through the eyes of modern authors and historians, developed a deep understanding of China’s modernization efforts.  In 1995, Dr. Wang graduated with a Ph.D. in EECS, and started working as a Research Staff Member and Project Manager at IBM Research.  From 1995 to 2003, Dr. Wang developed into a seasoned software engineering manager, and earned his MBA degree along the way.  Dr. Wang’s MBA thesiseffectively integrated his professional experience and passion forChina.  Dr. Wang’s MBA research focused on comparingChinese and Western management philosophies, with an attempt to unify Chinese and Western management best practices on top of a single enterprise application platform.  In 2004, Dr. Wang joined BroadVision, and began to extend his MBA research into what has become CHRM.  In 2006, after many years of preparation, and under the guidance of Dr. Pehong Chen, a world-renownedserial entrepreneur, Dr. Wang arrived in Beijing to begin his quest to launch BVOD and CHRM.  In 2007, Dr. Wang moved his entire family to Beijing, and thus began the third chapter of his professional and personal career:  A Chinese-American entrepreneur in Beijing, and a father of three American-born children studying in the Chinese school system.


博士的中国创业之路充分的反映了他对祖国文化与历史的爱好及景仰。汪博士将他的学习与职业生涯分成三个时期:台湾时期(19671979),美国时期(19792006)及中国时期(2006至目前)。生于1967年,汪博士从小在台湾接受传统的中国式小学教育。在六年的小学生涯中,汪博士最大的嗜好就是阅读各种不同的中国历史文学,从古典到现代,从正史到野史, 从章回小说到武侠小说。1979年,汪博士随父母移民到美国,从此展开了一段27年的“小留学生”生活。在中学时期,汪博士靠自读增长了他对祖国文化与历史的认识及激情。1985年, 汪博士在加州大学柏克莱分校入学,攻读电机工程与计算机科学专业。在众多入学许可中,汪博士选择了柏克莱加大,因为此校不但拥有世界一级的工学院,也是美 国首屈一指的汉学研究中心。在自学的基础上,汪博士选修了多门中国文学与历史课程,并透过现代文学家及历史家的视野,对祖国的改革开放工作有了深刻的印 象。1995年,汪博士毕业于柏克莱加大,并在IBM研究中心任职研究员兼项目经理。从1995年至2003年,汪博士成为了一位资深的软件工程经理,并获得了他的MBA学位。汪博士的MBA论文有效的结合了汪博士的专业经验及中国情结。汪博士的研究方向侧重于中西方管理思想的对比,及如何有效的将中西方管理最佳实践融合在一个企业信息化平台之上。2004年,汪博士加入美国宏道公司,开始将他的MBA研究延伸为今天的CHRM平台。2006年,经过多年的准备,并在业界知名的系列创业家陈丕宏博士的指导下,汪博士踏上了征途,来到北京启动了华美宏大与CHRM项目。2007年,汪博士举家搬到了北京,由此开启了他职业及个人生涯中的第三章:一位居住在北京的华裔美人青年企业家,也同时是一位有三个美国小孩在中国学校就读的父亲。


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